Our 2025 Partners

The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is the peak industry body for women in construction, providing support and driving positive change to increase the participation, advancement, and retention of women in all roles and facets of construction. Our vision is an equitable construction industry in which women fully participate, and we champion and empower women in construction and related industries to reach their highest potential. The ‘go to’ voice for women in construction, NAWIC has been leading advocacy, education and community building initiatives to tackle issues such as gender diversity, pay parity and equal opportunity for 30 years. With a community of passionate and like-minded members and volunteers across chapters in every state and territory, NAWIC provides networking, individual support and recognition for all women in construction.
Membership is open to anyone wishing to see greater gender equality and inclusion, and we have a strong group of male allies and supporters who help us do the work we do. We welcome you to connect with us and join the NAWIC community! Find out more about NAWIC through its social media channels @nawicau or on the NAWIC website.
The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) is Queensland’s building and construction regulator. Our mandate is to independently regulate the building and construction sector, and efficiently manage the Queensland home warranty insurance fund (the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme).
We work with Government to implement and progress government policy, while exercising our legislative responsibilities impartially, effectively, and consistently, to build trust and confidence in the industry.
Led by a Commissioner, our vision is to be a regulator that supports a thriving and resilient building and construction industry inspiring confidence, and supporting sustainable social, environmental and economic outcomes for Queenslanders. Our overarching strategies contribute to the Queensland Government’s Objectives for the Community, with our activities contributing across the focus areas of ‘Supporting jobs’, ‘Backing small business’ and ‘Building Queensland’.

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